Technology Tracker

Technology Tracker

At MJF Ventures, we believe that you should keep track of all the old technology in your organization.

This is why we created StuffSleuth—a software tool that helps you manage your technology lifecycle.
By using our product, you can ensure that all of the outdated hardware and software in your organization is tracked and managed properly. We don’t sell your data or use it to make money—we just want to help make sure that you know where all of your old technology is!

We know how important it is to track your company’s assets, and we’ve built [product name] with this in mind. With [product name], you can make sure that you have a complete view of all your hardware so that you always know exactly what’s on hand at any given time. We don’t sell your data—it’s only accessible by you and anyone who has been granted access to the system. Moreover, our software is designed to be easy-to-use so that even if you’re not an expert in IT or database management, you’ll be able to get up and running quickly.